序号 |
题名 |
作者 |
文献来源 |
发表时间 |
收录信息 |
1 |
基于弹性悬链线的自锚式悬索桥主缆下料长度精确计算 |
李加才、戴宇文 |
中外公路 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
2 |
粉砂性土层中盾构施工措施的优化改进 |
王湛、王金昌、吕学金、洪琦 |
现代隧道技术 |
2014 |
EI收录 |
3 |
土岩组合基坑安全风险预警标准探讨 |
鲍树峰,莫海鸿,王友元,杨春山,黄海滨,侯明勋,陈凌伟 |
岩土工程学报 |
2014 |
EI收录 |
4 |
超大空间火灾钢构件危险性分析简化方法 |
徐海峰 |
消防科学与技术 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
5 |
基桩沉桩过程桩身应力控制标准分析与应用 |
冯光华、张华章、谭德银、陈章宇、何伟峰 |
水运工程 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
6 |
采用耐久性指数对码头混凝土结构耐久性设计的评估 |
郑伟,陈龙,汤雁冰 |
水运工程 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
7 |
沉管混凝土抗裂性温度应力试验评价及配合比优选 |
王迎飞,李超,宋雪峰 |
水运工程 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
8 |
降雨条件下路堑高边坡失稳判据分析 |
缪丹,李燕,文辉辉 |
水力发电 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
9 |
港珠澳大桥混凝土结构耐久性设计原则与方法 |
王胜年,苏权科,范志宏,李全旺,周新刚,李克非 |
土木工程学报 |
2014 |
EI收录 |
10 |
新近吹填淤泥地基真空固结失效原因分析及对策 |
鲍树峰,娄炎,董志良,莫海鸿,陈平山,周睿博 |
岩土工程学报 |
2014 |
EI收录 |
11 |
考虑地下水位影响的砂井地基强度增长计算 |
鲍树峰,莫海鸿,董志良,陈平山 |
岩石力学与工程学报 |
2014 |
EI收录 |
12 |
土岩组合基坑施工监控技术研究 |
鲍树峰,邱青长,罗彦,王盼,黄俊文,王炳文 |
岩石力学与工程学报 |
2014 |
EI收录 |
13 |
混合式桥面体系斜拉桥悬臂施工优化 |
戴宇文、王友元、何锦明 |
桥梁建设 |
2014 |
EI收录 |
14 |
掺偏高岭土和矿粉蒸养高强砂浆早期水化特征和孔结构研究 |
曾俊杰,水中和,王胜年 |
中南大学学报(自然科学版) |
2014 |
EI收录 |
15 |
珠海大面积吹填淤泥超软土地基处理技术 |
唐建亚,罗宇文,刘永林 |
施工技术 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
16 |
后支点反吊三角托架挂篮技术研究 |
胡若邻、陈鸣 |
世界桥梁 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
17 |
刚柔长短组合桩-网复合地基工作性状研究 |
鲍树峰 |
铁道工程学报 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
18 |
偏高岭土和硅灰影响砂浆干燥收缩的对比研究 |
曾俊杰,范志宏,王胜年 |
武汉理工大学学报 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
19 |
珠藏洞隧道施工安全监测与量测数据处理 |
邱青长,谢仁红,文辉辉,秦志光 |
长江科学院院报 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
20 |
聚羧酸减水剂防腐技术研究 |
李顺,李安,温永向,王胜年 |
水运工程 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
21 |
基于正交试验法的海堤安全监控控制标准 |
胡珩,董志良 |
水利水运工程学报 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
22 |
大直径PHC桩竖向承载特性数值模拟研究 |
桑登峰、谭德银、赵冉 |
水运工程 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
23 |
水泥稳定碎石无侧限抗压强度影响因素试验研究 |
陈伟东,陈伟,刘运兰 |
施工技术 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
24 |
不锈钢钢筋的临界氯离子浓度研究 |
陈龙,瞿彧,汤雁冰,方翔 |
腐蚀与防护 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
25 |
新近吹填超软土地基浅层加固技术卸载标准探讨 |
陈伟东,鲍树峰 |
水运工程 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
26 |
W-checker在高性能混凝土质量控制中的应用研究 |
柴瑞,曾俊杰,刘行,熊建波 |
施工技术 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
27 |
不同排水板间距处理新吹填淤泥效果分析 |
陈伟东,丁明武,陈平山 |
施工技术 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
28 |
吹填淤泥排水加固沉降计算的新方法 |
郑新亮,武霄,陈允进 |
水运工程 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
29 |
混凝土耐久性监测系统安装技术 |
方翔,陈龙,潘峻,熊建波 |
施工技术 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
30 |
全断面浇筑沉管低热低收缩高性能混凝土配制及优选 |
李超,王迎飞,张宝兰,刘行,李士伟 |
混凝土 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
31 |
水下隧道修复方案及安全性分析 |
王湛、王友元、苏林王 |
现代隧道技术 |
2014 |
EI收录 |
32 |
港珠澳大桥预制沉管混凝土容重控制技术研究 |
李超,刘昌义,张宝兰,李士伟,熊建波 |
施工技术 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
33 |
利用足尺模型试验进行沉管全断面浇筑混凝土施工性能研究 |
王迎飞,李超,张宝兰,刘行,许晓华 |
施工技术 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
34 |
基于Asaoka法的非等间隔真空预压土体沉降数据处理 |
贺迎喜,文辉辉,梁小丛,何丽平 |
水力发电 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
35 |
海港工程钢筋保护层厚度分析 |
涂启华,唐光星,翁龙,范志宏,黄高峰 |
水运工程 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
36 |
不同浇筑工艺对沉管裂缝控制的影响分析 |
王彦林,徐兆全,熊建波 |
施工技术 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
37 |
东非某工程嵌岩灌注桩钢护筒卷边问题浅析 |
冯光华、王胤彪、涂启达、于小林、陈厚松、郭立涛 |
水运工程 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
38 |
排水加固法加固软土液性指数变化规律的研究 |
郑新亮,董志良,武霄 |
水运工程 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
39 |
复杂地质条件下SMW工法应用研究 |
姚世宏,朱幸科 |
水运工程 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
40 |
基于双速度法的在役基桩完整性检测 |
赵冉、苏林王、刘培鸽、应宗权 |
水运工程 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
41 |
某码头胸墙混凝土裂缝控制技术 |
邓春林,熊建波,刘行,潘德强 |
水运工程 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
42 |
港珠澳大桥防腐施工工作吊篮安全性分析 |
徐兆全,熊建波 |
水运工程 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
43 |
新近吹填淤泥地基真空固结排水系统现场研发 |
鲍树峰,董志良,莫海鸿,陈平山 |
岩石力学与工程学报 |
2014 |
EI收录 |
44 |
新近吹填淤泥地基负压传递特性及分布模式研究 |
鲍树峰,莫海鸿,董志良,陈平山,邱青长 |
岩土力学 |
2014 |
EI收录 |
45 |
沉管后浇带膨胀混凝土施工技术 |
赵朋辉,邓春林 |
施工技术 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
46 |
自密实混凝土的工作性评价方法研究及工程应用 |
张琨,黎鹏平,熊建波 |
施工技术 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
47 |
自密实海工高性能混凝土工作性与耐久性的影响因素分析及工程应用 |
古付兵,黎鹏平 |
施工技术 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
48 |
港珠澳大桥沉管混凝土成熟度与氯离子扩散系数相关性研究 |
黎鹏平,范志宏,熊建波,王胜年 |
混凝土 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
49 |
公路桥梁超长钻孔灌注桩的可靠度研究 |
贺迎喜、粱小丛、文辉辉 |
湖南工程学院学报(自然科学版) |
2014 |
中文核心 |
50 |
考虑含水层渗透系数各向异性的深基坑降水优化设计 |
冯波 |
路基工程 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
51 |
新吹填超软土工程特性研究进展综述 |
周睿博,黄伟豪 |
路基工程 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
52 |
基于实时监测与数值分析的码头靠泊安全综合评估分析 |
李德春、苏林王、赵冉、胡瀚 |
海洋工程 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
53 |
分级真空排水预压法室内试验与分析 |
马联华,董志良,鲍树峰 |
水运工程 |
2014 |
中文核心 |
54 |
固化吹填软土力学特性试验 |
杨爱武,周金,孔令伟 |
吉林大学学报(工学版) |
2014 |
EI期刊 |
55 |
车辆超载作用下软弱基坑变形特性研究 |
陈梅,郑坚昭,莫玮宏,陈晓平 |
地下空间与工程学报 |
2014 |
EI期刊 |
56 |
Study on curing agent of chemical modification on dredged soil |
Zhang, Xia Zhen1; Zhang, Xia Hong1; Ni, Jing Xu1; Zhuang, Jie1 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 507, p 395-400, 2014, Sustainable Development of Urban and Rural Areas |
2014 |
EI收录 |
57 |
Effect evaluation of web reinforcement of continuous rigid frame bridge |
Li, Ping Jie; Dai, Yu Wen; Li, Guo Bao; Wei, Ming Hui |
Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 501-504, p 1021-1026, 2014, Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering III |
2014 |
EI收录 |
58 |
Experimental research on statnamic load test of long rock socket bored pile |
Sang, Deng Feng1; Su, Lin Wang1; Wang, Zhan1; Tan, De Yin1 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 501-504, p 96-100, 2014, Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering III |
2014 |
EI收录 |
59 |
Preliminary study on standardization of the concrete thermal stress test |
Wang, Ying Fei; Song, Xue Feng; Li, Chao; Xu, Zhao Quan |
Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 501-504, p 940-944, 2014, Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering III |
2014 |
EI收录 |
60 |
Study of the same curing condition of large volume concrete based on maturity methods |
Song, Xue Feng; Fan, Zhi Hong; Wang, Ying Fei |
Advanced Materials Research, v 893, p 593-596, 2014, Advanced Materials and Engineering Materials III |
2014 |
EI收录 |
61 |
Influence on CBR for graded crushed rock on the base of port |
Yuan, Pu; Zhou, Rui Bo; Dong, Zhi Liang; Lou, Yan |
Advanced Materials Research, v 838-841, p 962-966, 2014, Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering |
2014 |
EI收录 |
62 |
Failure mechanism of tunnel lining joints and bolts with uneven longitudinal ground settlement |
Wang, Zhan; Wang, Lizhong; Li, Lingling; Wang, Jingchang |
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v 40, p 300-308, February 2014 |
2014 |
63 |
The influences of different temperature histories on the assessment of cracking resistance based on the concrete thermal stress test |
Song, Xue Feng;Wang, Ying Fei; Li, Chao |
Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 496-500, p 2426-2430, 2014, Frontiers of Manufacturing and Design Science IV |
2014 |
EI收录 |
64 |
Influence of mineral admixtures on corrosion potential of reinforced concrete at early stage |
Li, Hai Hong; Fan, Zhi Hong; Li, Peng Ping |
Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 470, p 814-817, 2014, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Civil Engineering II |
2014 |
EI收录 |
65 |
Experimental study on permeability resistant and pore structure of high content mineral admixtures of HPC |
Yang, Hai Cheng |
Advanced Materials Research, v 860-863, p 1232-1236, 2014, Energy Development |
2014 |
EI收录 |
66 |
Comparative study of on-site corrosion monitoring for concrete by different method |
Fang, Xiang; Chen, Long; Pan, Jun |
Advanced Materials Research, v 838-841, p 2066-2070, 2014, Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering |
2014 |
EI收录 |
67 |
Experimental study on O-cell test of long rock socket bored pile |
Yao, Li Zhang ; Sang, Deng Feng; Su, Lin Wang; Tan, De Yin |
Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 477-478, p 509-513, 2014, Applied Mechanics and Materials II |
2014 |
EI收录 |
68 |
Experimental study on bearing behavior of long rock socked pile with O-cell test method |
Wang, You Yuan ; Wang, Zhan; Sang, Deng Feng; Su, Lin Wang |
Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 501-504, p 137-140, 2014, Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering III |
2014 |
69 |
Effect of Mineral Composition on Macroscopic and Microscopic Consolidation Properties of Soft Soil |
Wang, Jing; Mo, Hai-hong; Liu, Shu-zhuo; Wang, Yi-Zhao; Jiang, Fu-He |
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, v 50, n 6, p 232-237, January 2014 |
2014 |
EI收录 |
70 |
Study on corrosion resistance of 2205 stainless steel reinforcement in simulated concrete pore solution |
Chen, Long; Qu, Yu; Tang, Yan Bing; Fang, Xiang |
Advanced Materials Research, v 838-841, p 119-122, 2014, Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering |
2014 |
EI收录 |
71 |
Rehabilitation technology for excessive large gap of joint between caissons of gravity wharf |
Wei, Ming Hui; Li, Guo Bao; Xiao, Peng Wei |
Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 501-504, p 1032-1038, 2014, Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering III |
2014 |
EI收录 |
72 |
Influence of metakaolin on strength and microstructure of steam-cured high-strength concrete |
Zeng, Jun Jie; Fan, Zhi Hong; Chen, Long |
Advanced Materials Research, v 838-841, p 42-46, 2014, Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering |
2014 |
EI收录 |
73 |
Causal analysis and countermeasures of vacuum consolidation failure to newly hydraulic reclamation mud |
Shu-Feng, Bao; Zhi-Liang, Dong; Ping-Shan, Chen |
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 18 V, p 5573-5579, 2013 |
2014 |
EI收录 |
74 |
The mechanics simulation of MSG strain gradient plasticity theory in granular material |
Jia, Liu; Yingguang, Fang |
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, v 18 Z, p 5929-5937, 2013 |
2014 |
EI收录 |
75 |
Influence of mineral admixtures on chloride diffusion coefficient of self-compacting concrete |
Xiong, Jian Bo ; Li, Peng Ping; Wang, Sheng Nian |
Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 405-408, p 2876-2880, 2013, Progress in Industrial and Civil Engineering II |
2014 |
EI收录 |
76 |
Engineering properties of soils on Boubyan island in Kuwait |
Bao, Shu-Feng; Huang, Jian-Hua |
Advanced Materials Research, v 815, p 273-278, 2013, Progress in Materials Science and Engineering: ICMSE 2013 |
2014 |
EI收录 |
77 |
A survey of cloud computing |
Gong, Yadong; Ying, Zongquan; Lin, Meihong |
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, v 225 LNEE, n VOL. 3, p 79-84, 2013, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Green Communications and Networks 2012, GCN 2012 |
2014 |
EI收录 |
78 |
Theoretical analysis of non-destructive integrity test in the pile with cap based on low strain reflected wave method |
Liu, Pei Ge; Zhao, Ran; Ying, Zong Quan; Su, Lin Wang |
Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 427-429, p 1447-1451, 2013, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Electronics and Information Technology Applications in Industry |
2014 |
EI收录 |
79 |
Study on the preparation of non-fired bricks by solidified dredged soil |
Zhang, Xia Hong; Zhang, Xia Zhen; Ni, Jing Xu; Yan, Yong Guo; Dong, Zhi Liang |
Advanced Materials Research, v 781-784, p 2157-2161, 2013, Advances in Chemical Engineering III |
2014 |
EI收录 |
80 |
Service life checking calculation of marine reinforced concrete structures based on monte carlo method |
Dong, Gui Hong; Fan, Zhi Hong; Xiong, Jian Bo |
Advanced Materials Research, v 788, p 663-669, 2013, Advanced Research on Material Engineering, Chemistry and Environment |
2014 |
EI收录 |
81 |
Influence on microscopic pore characteristics of soft soil under permeation |
Wang, Jing; Dong, Zhiliang; Mo, Haihong |
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, v 18 Q, p 3547-3560, 2013 |
2014 |
EI收录 |
82 |
Research on the construction window forecast of immersed tunnel based on the decision-making analysis |
Lin, Meihong; Lü, Wei Qing; Ying, Zong Quan; Su, Lin Wang |
Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 380-384, p 1302-1305, 2013, Vehicle, Mechatronics and Information Technologies |
2014 |
EI收录 |
83 |
Study on system reliability of large tensile structure based on failure of main cables |
Tang, Shi |
Advanced Materials Research, v 753-755, p 1477-1482, 2013, Materials Processing and Manufacturing III |
2014 |
EI收录 |
84 |
Study on application of GPR to quality detection of tunnel lining |
Tang, Shi; Bai, Xue Bing |
Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 333-335, p 1611-1616, 2013, Measurement Technology and Engineering Researches in Industry |
2014 |
EI收录 |
85 |
Constitutive relation of soil cell element model |
Jia, Liu; Yingguang, Fang |
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, v 18 M, p 2675-2682, 2013 |
2014 |
EI收录 |
86 |
Large-scale shaking table test study of compound supporting structure of high-steep slope |
He, Li-Ping; Yang, Guo-Lin; Lin, Yu-Liang; Yi, Yue-Lin |
Yantu Lixue/Rock and Soil Mechanics, v 34, n 7, p 1951-1957, July 2013 Language: Chinese |
2014 |
EI收录 |